Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Watching God Work

So I'm not your ordinary average traveling revival speaker.  But for two years in a row now I've been asked to put together a children's program/revival message for a kind of Daily Vacation Bible School at a couple different RURAL (all caps on purpose) church community.  

So this year we almost didn't make it.  we got stuck in the mud 4 times on the road to the area.  the 1 hour drive was creeping up on 2 1/2.  Myles was with and Kristy and I kept on thinking of sleeping in the Land-cruiser in the middle of rural Malawi on a mud road with a 2 year old... no way.  But after pushing hard with the help of 4 different groups of local kids 4 different times! we finally made it.  And what an amazing experience.  The photo above shows the pastor of the church excitedly leading back into the church building the over 100 kids who decided to give their lives to Christ after I spoke about the "Gospel and the Big Problem."  Jumping imaginary rivers and talking about Jesus really connected with them, and Myles!  Pray with us for these kids and the life changing decision that they made.