Monday, December 22, 2008

making Bake-a, bake-a

One of Myles favorite activities. Baker-Baker (sounds like "I'm making the Bake-a Bake-a").

Friday, December 19, 2008

Upi giraffe?

Just a quick note to tell you what's up in the Carlson world. We have just said good-by to our friends Jon and Amy and Sage Rodquist-Kodet. Now our other good friends Brandon and Abby are with us! Game park time has left Myles looking for giraffe and elephant every time we get in the car!
"Upi giraffe?" is constantly heard.... Where is the giraffe in Zulu.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why you wanna leave me!?!

We said good-by to Daniel on Tuesday. He has been with us for close to 2 years helping partner on the Medical campus at the University of KwaZulu Natal. Rather than write of all the individuals he has impacted, I thought I'd share some highlights through photos. thanks for being with us Daniel, enjoy re-uniting with Malinda (fiance!) and your family.