The South African Navigators selected Mr. Paul Makhurupetsi as National Director on Sunday, 9th August 2009, following a process involving several other qualified candidates. The Selection Council, comprised of staff, ministry leaders and Nav board; met over the weekend to pray together and interact with shortlisted candidates. At the end, it was clear to the Selection Council that Paul Makhurupetsi is God’s choice to lead The South African Navigators into the next phase of our ministry.
Udobong Idemetor (Southern Africa - Zonal Director) was used by the LORD to facilitate what was undoubtedly a very spiritual process.
“ What I really enjoyed about this weekend was that the whole weekend was bathed by the word of God and Prayer. Everybody prayed, we searched the Scriptures, we searched God ‘s voice, we focused on God, we worshipped God and from that the decision naturally flowed to select Paul Makhurupetsi as our new National Director. He has everybody’s support…we are very excited about his vision for our ministry. He is committed to the CORE of The Navigators…to the Vision of The Navigators. We are looking forward to the next phase in the history of The Navigators of South Africa.” Says Archie Van der Byl, Navigator staff.
Paul Makhurupetsi responded to his nomination and eventual selection by reading from Isaiah 6:1-8.
Paul met The Navigators in 1989 at the University of Witwatersrand. From 1995, he had been serving at the same university. His gifts and hard work contributed to the growth and strength of the student work in Johannesburg. Paul will assume his new responsibilities at the beginning of 2010.