Sunday, December 30, 2007

Ben and Myles Playin' Around!


b-nut said...

Ben! You are a beast. Are you wearing pants?

grubedoo said...

I bet you were sore for days after that :P

Ben and Kristy Carlson said...

for everyone's info, yes i had on shorts and yes, sore for days. but Myles is my personal trainer and being sore is no excuse for stopping he said.

Grandma Sue said...

Kristy, great video! Ben, with all the help and attention from Ella, Myles and Kristy your exercise sessions should be leaving you feeling a little stronger and a lot more loved!!

Grandma Sue

Jon/Amy said...

I can not decide who is cuter, myles in a diaper (nappy or something like that) or Durby the Dane? We're talking full on dane lovin', huba huba.
love you, amy

Dawn said...

I'm just catching up on your blog comments ... that is such a cute video, I can barely stand it!! I love hearing your voices, too ... thanks for sharing it! :)