I've been sick for a week. Sorry for the lack of posts. The quick update on life in the evergreen city:
1. Thatch guys didn't show up all week so regretfully we fired Joshua and his never present guys! Lost a bit of money, but not too bad considering the potential, and we did get those two days of labour and materials out of them before we amiable, if not a bit frustrated, parted ways.
2. We are left with a huge pile of raked and discarded thatch and another pile of thatch to be put on the roof, both of which has put us in a big need to find a new thatch guy! (pray we find a good, honest and quick one ASAP)
3. I just started feeling better, Kristy just started feeling sick!
4. Our wall is falling apart because of a need to be patched and painted, so we've got painters scraping and patching away!
5. Ministry goes on even with me in bed! Daniel is meeting guys. Thobe meeting girls and our Core team meeting at our house to eat laugh, pray and do Bible study.
6. I've managed to connect well with a number of key returning students and they are all keen and eager to recruit 1st years as well as friends into Investigative Bible Studies. Pray for some great connections.
7. Our house help lady was stealing from us and we had to let her go. Hard and frustrating.
8. It's valentines week and the Core guys are going to be making a special evening for the ladies in the community on thursday night! look for the pics to come!
thanks for reading.