Thursday, September 18, 2008

2 Year Birthday bash!

Myles turned two on 12 September.  Rather than give a play by play of the b-day week (oh-yes, we did a week since cards came early and late in the mail and the party in the park was a couple days after the day:)
The quick run-down:
1. 11th, Myles and Mom make cup-cakes.  Myles learns that cup-cakes are REALY good. 
2. 12th, Myles brings cup-cakes to play school and doesn't stop asking his teacher Thandeka for "more cup-cakes please" the rest of morning!
3. 13th, Myles gets some presents, feeling a bit sick but not too sick to help mom make juice and play with his buddy Conner. Notice who Myles supports whole-heartedly in the pictures (thanks Grand-ba ba and Grandma Sue!)
4. 14th, the big Birthday celebration at the Botanic Gardens.  Lots of friends, food and mom's great B-sting cake (could rival b-day cup-cakes for enjoyability)
5. 14th, by bedtime Myles is really sick but has enjoyed his best b-day week ever!

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