Monday, January 25, 2010

Four months of God's Gracious Hand

I'm looking.
I'm praying.
We're talking.
We're planning.

The start of the UKZN school year is underway and I realize that I've got four months. Yep, four months before we are going to be heading to the USA. These four months are the crucial months in a new student (or returning student's) life.
Will we connect with them?
Will they meet Jesus?
Will they fall apart?
Will they academically, socially, physically and spiritually succeed?

I read a great story this morning. A guy with a great heart for God and a huge task ahead of him gets showered with God's grace.
Quiets my spirit and excites my hesitant mind.

...for the gracious hand of his God was on him. For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the LORD, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.
Ezra 7.9-10

And that my friends (because you wouldn't be reading this far if you weren't:) is all about the 4 months it took Ezra to travel from Babylon to Jerusalem.

Four months.
Pray for that gracious hand with me.


Sharon said...

Oh wow, I happened to run across your blog and have been reading a bit of some of your journey. Like I said, "Wow," I respect and am inspired by what you're doing. I'd love to know more. Are ya'll coming back to the states to stay after your next four months are up? Or only for a refueling visit?

No doubt, God smiles upon all that you're doing and shines brilliantly through you and your family.

Ben and Kristy Carlson said...

Coming back to the USA for a refuel. Though some times when we've come back to the USA it was more work then refuel!

We'll have time with family and friends. re-connect with churches and other partners. Go to Colorado Springs for a Nav de-brief and gathering thingy. And that will be our full USA summer!
thanks for checking out the blog!