Monday, February 22, 2010


Last week two students who helped me launch an Investigative Bible Discussion on the Pietermeritzburg (PMB) campus, Hopps and Simphiwe.  We drove an hour.  Gathered in as many students as we could.  Got Lwazi and Melissa (key Nav students at PMB) to join us.  And.... launched into the book of John together!

Hopps and Simphiwe were only there for the afternoon with me but Melissa and Lwazi are living on the PMB campus for the next 6 months and have been meeting with us for the past few years after starting to follow Jesus with us.

The exciting news is this.  After Hopps, Simphiwe and I left for Durban the group that we left got so excited that they abandoned the 1 time a week meeting  and started meeting twice a week because the group was so excited.

yesterday I got a call from Melissa telling me that it is going over so well that more and more students arrive every meeting and that the only problem is that there is too many questions and not enough time!
This is why we do this:)

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