Monday, October 18, 2010


I write, just to think out-loud today.

My neighbor (the pastor) road up on his bike today. Stopped to have a chat.  Topic: police being on our road Saturday night.   What happened: murder.
A murder on our street.

Not sure how I feel about that.  Not because it isn't horrendous, scary or just will make the grandparents want to convince us to fly back to USA immediately.  Rather it's because of the circumstances behind the murder.  Would we still call it a horrendous crime if you found out that it was a high school Matric student (Senior) who stabbed his dad?  Probably makes it worse.  Until you find out that he was an abusive father. And that father's wife was trying to divorce him which enraged him, making him more abusive.  Thus the son's act of violence.

One boy had enough.  Took matters into his own hands.  And sent his life down and irreparable journey.  He is forever changed and I can't blame him.  Yet how did it get to that point?

I didn't know the family.  I had met and talked with the boy.  In-fact I gave a talk one friday night at his youth group last year.
But no one could help him (he assumed).

Maybe no one would.

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