Thursday, December 2, 2010

See the sea jumpers jump

Wow am I ever happy to be home! I am grateful for running water, the ability to brush my teeth straight from the tap, the freedom to open my mouth in the shower, my non-bedbug-infested-bed, and ziplocks. Ziplocks really are so handy, and I vow here and now never to take them for granted again. I have been waiting to tell you all about our Kenya, Burundi, Tanzania adventures (oh boy, was it ever an adventure… and FULL of drama from head to toe) because I am moving to a new blog! It’s a really pretty blog too, with enough room to move around in and LOTS of wall space to put up photos. I have NO IDEA how long it is going to take me to put this new blog together though, being that I am totally not tech savvy. In the meantime, I will show you one of my favorite images from the trip.
Cliff jumping is all the rage for the kids in Zanzibar. These kids were having a big competition for the “best moves” while blaring house music from a portable player. It was so much fun to hang out with them… even though, to them, I was a crazy white lady with a sleeping baby strapped to my front and a bag of popcorn. Because they have to get a pretty big running start, and I wanted to be ready, Coffee Guy would stand by the que of jumpers and I would have the camera pointed at the sea with my back to the “runway.” When someone started running Coffee Guy would shout, “Heeeeee’s commmmmmiiiiiinnnnnggggg!” All in the name of unpaid photojournalism.

Check out more of Kristy's photo's and stories at:

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