Friday, March 18, 2011


Kristy and I have been trying to figure out what to pack, what to leave, what to give away and what to sell.   It's crunch time, and Burundi is waiting.  But the crunch is more then just what to pack and what to give away or attempt to sell in South Africa.  The crunch comes in a whole list of prayer requests (look right).  How do i get that Work Visa?  So we need to raise how much money before we go?!!!!  Yellow fever injections can't be given to you if you have an egg allergy, well hope Myles grew out of that one.

So much on the plate.  Kristy said we just can't add rabbits to that plate.  Like the one pictured from my first Burundi trip.  Lets call him George.  George was supper the night after I took this photo.

Thanks for praying, reading, caring and giving. 

1 comment:

Grandbaba said...

Thanks for the blog!