Tuesday, March 23, 2010


One of the things that is central to Navigator "make-up" is that we
get to be invested into by older, wiser Nav peeps whenever they travel
through your town.
Last week saw SA country leader Paul and his deputy Chere come in and
spend a few days with us. The week before was Africa..."oversear"
Bruce & Marg Van Wyk from Colorado. This week is Southern Africa Nav
leader Udobong (never in 8 years have so many Navs visited!)
Udobong is an amazing man. A great heart for people and wisdom gained
through over 20 years with the Navs.

I may have over done it with meetings and apointments with him the
last couple days, but the photos will show that we managed to get a
good glimps of Durban on the way!

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